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4 Ways an Online Vet Can Help You With Your Dog’s Skin Conditions

Sep 11, 2019Uncategorized0 comments

Scratching and licking are common symptoms of skin conditions and allergies in dogs. Allergies can be seasonal, environmental, or caused by food. If your dog is suffering from skin conditions, get an appointment with an online veterinarian at TelePAWS. Your dog does not have to continue to scratch, lick, or bite at their skin any longer.

1. Online Vets Can Prescribe Leading Treatments for Skin Conditions in Dogs

(Note: Not all states allow online prescriptions)

Cytopoint and Apoquel are two very effective treatments for skin conditions, particularly allergies in dogs. These medications work by decreasing the body’s response to allergens in the environment through targeting of cytokines (proteins involved in the itch pathway).

Cytopoint is an injection given every 4-8 weeks and can be given at home by you. There are no side effects and it works very quickly to combat the body’s response to allergens. This medication may be prescribed by an online vet (see Note above) and ordered through an online pharmacy.

Apoquel is an oral tablet given daily to prevent the body from reacting to allergens. There can be side effects if given long-term, so your vet will discuss the benefits vs. risks of using this medication. Short-term, it is very safe and effective at giving your pet complete relief from all of the itching and scratching. This medication is meant for animals only, so it must be ordered through an online pharmacy.

Steroids are also an option to treat allergies in dogs. There are side effects of increased urination and drinking of water while on steroids, but they are very effective at controlling the symptoms of allergies. Ideally, steroids are used only for short-term treatment as there can be many long-term undesirable side effects. Your online vet can prescribe steroids at a local pharmacy or an online pharmacy easily and quickly.
(See Note above.)

2. Online Vets Can Prescribe Specialized Diets to Treat Skin Conditions in Dogs

Food allergy is a skin condition in dogs that is generally caused by the protein source in their food. By switching to a new protein source, you can treat underlying food allergies. A prescription diet is the recommended treatment for food allergies in dogs. Over the counter diets tend to run all their foods over the same machinery, causing contamination of other proteins, therefore causing them to be ineffective for allergy treatment. An online vet can prescribe this specialized food for your pet through an online pharmacy and have it delivered to your house.
(See Note above.)

3. Online Vets Can Treat Skin Infections Secondary to Skin Conditions in Your Dog

Bacterial and fungal infections are common results of chronic allergies in dogs. Your online vet can prescribe antibiotics and anti-fungal treatments if they feel that these types of infections are occurring in your pet. These medications come in multiple forms including orals, topical ointments, and shampoos.
(See Note above.)

It is important to treat the secondary infections to give your dog the most comfort and help the skin to heal completely. Call your online vet to discuss thorough treatment options for your dog’s skin conditions.

4. Online Vets Can Help You Get Treatments For Your Dog’s Skin Conditions Quickly and Hassle Free

When your pet is itching and irritated from skin conditions, you don’t want to wait days or even weeks to get in to see your regular vet. Get the help you need quickly and efficiently from an online vet. Waiting too long can result in worsening skin infections and suffering for your pet. An online vet will be able to see you soon and get the necessary medications ordered for you right after your appointment.
(See Note above.)

Some medications can be called into a regular pharmacy. Pet specific medications will need to be ordered through an online pharmacy. Most pharmacies will deliver your medications to you in 2-3 days. You can choose to have these medications overnighted to you for an additional cost. Your online vet will talk to you about these options and determine which is best for you and your dog.
(See Note above.)

Check out more information on skin allergies in dogs.

Talk to an Online Vet Today! For only $50 you can book an appointment with a vet and get help for your dog’s skin conditions.



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