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Can Dogs Eat Bananas? (And Other Tasty Treats)

Can Dogs Eat Bananas? (And Other Tasty Treats)

Fresh bananas are nutritious and delicious for dogs

Americans eat a lot of bananas.  According to the USDA, in 2018 each American ate an average of 14 pounds of bananas–that’s over 50 bananas in one year! But can dogs eat bananas?  Absolutely.  Bananas are a great treat for your pooch. 

Unlike many other fruits, which have components that can be toxic to dogs, bananas are good for dogs and are high in potassium, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C.  As with any treats, dogs should only eat bananas in moderation.  Bananas are a great low-calorie treat and a good source of potassium, but they are also high in sugar and should not be implemented as part of your dog’s main diet.
