🦟🦟🐢 Spring is in the Air! Lookout for Fleas & Ticks, conatct TelePAWS if you need us! 🐢🦟🦟

Which States Allow Pet Prescriptions?

Please ensure you check your state, using the map below, for the service you wish BEFORE you book your appointment. Thank you

TeleAdvice vs Pet Prescription States

Here at TelePAWS the health of your beloved pet is our TOP priority.

TelePAWS offers remote TeleAdvice in ALL US states. If the condition of your pet warrants a visit to your local vet, then we will advise that course of action. In most cases a general consultation is sufficient and we can recommend the most suitable course of action.

However, in some US states they allow the remote writing of prescriptions. Our professional vets have gone through extensive licensing exams in order to be able to write remote prescriptions in these states. For your convenience we have highlighted these states below.

Please ensure you check your own state for the service you wish, BEFORE you book your appointment.

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