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Reading Your Dog’s Emotions

May 13, 2023Uncategorized0 comments

Invading Personal Space

Although dogs are extremely social animals, like humans, they also need their own space and personal privacy. If your pet turns away from you or reluctantly interacts with you, it is likely because they want to be left alone at that time. Being regularly disrupted during this time can lead to more aggressive behavior. Wanting to be alone is normal, however, if it occurs too often, consider a visit to the veterinarian in case there is a health issue. 

Giving Inadequate Attention

During large gatherings especially, dogs may be left alone as everyone else is preoccupied with each other. Make sure to regularly acknowledge your pet’s presence so they don’t feel left out. Being regularly ignored or left alone for long periods of time can sometimes lead to behavioral issues such as separation anxiety. A wagging tail is usually a sign they want to be attended to. When interacting with them, make sure to maintain eye contact to show them you are truly engaged. Frequent ignorance towards your pet can degrade the strong relationship between humans and dogs.

Yelling or Being Aggressive Towards Them

Dogs are extremely intelligent, so yelling or screaming at them when they misbehave is unnecessary. They can read human body language and tone and know if they have done something wrong. Since their ears are far more sensitive than humans, yelling is amplified and can even damage their ears if done too often.

Laughing at Them

Canine body language generally indicates your pet’s anxiety levels, so it’s important to keep close watch over their actions. When your dog’s body postures reveal any sign of fear, however, it’s better not to laugh since they may perceive the reaction as approval for their behavior. Instead of laughing at them, it’s recommended to help them overcome their fears by slowly incorporating the cause of their reactions into daily life until they don’t react as strongly to it anymore. 

Inconsistency with Rules

Dogs are creatures of habit and display a vast range of emotions, so implementing inconsistent rules may cause confusion, frustration, and other negative emotions. The inconsistency may result in symptoms such as whining and whimpering that could lead to anxiety, so making sure your rules are reasonable and easy to understand are important for your pet’s mental health.



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